
Custom Russian Knife - Skat Bulat

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Product Overview

Bulat is a type of steel alloy known in Russia from medieval times; it was regularly mentioned in Russian legends as the material of choice for cold steel. The name булат is a Russian transliteration of the Persian word fulad, meaning steel. This type of steel was used by the armies of nomadic peoples. The secret of bulat manufacturing was lost by the beginning of the 19th century. It is known that the process involved dipping the finished weapon into a vat containing a special liquid of which spiny restharrow extract was a part (the plant's name in Russian, stalnik, reflects its historical role), then holding the sword aloft while galloping on a horse, allowing it to dry and harden against the wind.
Pavel Anosov eventually managed to duplicate the qualities of that metal in 1838, when he completed ten years of study into the nature of Damascus steel swords. Skat Bulat- one of the most practical and ergonomically perfect hunting/ camping knives.
Skat is a mid-size handmade knife suitable for all hunting or camping needs. This knife has a drop point blade that is wide enough for true multipurpose needs.
Skat comes with a leather sheath. Handle material is black hornbeam.

Overall length: 8.5"
Blade length: 4"

Aleksei Zhbanov