Sale Corner

The Russian American Company in Sitka Alaska has been in business for over 40 years and we represent the best of Russia, Alaska, and more! As we are continuously renewing our inventory, we periodically move merchandise into our Sale Corner where great bargains and markdowns can be found!

These unique products are not damaged or soiled or diminished in any way; instead they may just be discontinued due to difficulty obtaining additional pieces, or the last of a line that we cannot continue, or perhaps we just need more shelf space for new arrivals! We are always refreshing our standard product lines: Russian nesting dolls, lacquer boxes, Russian and Alaskan jewelry, ivory carvings, etc, and as we do we do special markdowns in order to make room for our newer inventory.

You will find 20, 30 and even up to 70% off merchandise in the sale corner, and it is always worth a look! Search for hidden treasures to add to your collections, please browse our website for the ever-changing bargains!

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